Back to Ballyneale: Storyboarding


Aoife and myself arrived early for our second session with Ballyneale N.S. (seeing as I only live down the road) so we went in and got the class started, handing the groups back their characters.

   Once Astrid arrived (all the way from Cork) she got everyone ready to do out their storyboards. The volunteer group was Issy’s two person group, both third class students. This group’s characters were ‘Mrs Lovemum’ (one of my favourite names so far) and Swimmer who is coincidentally, a swimmer.

Issy and her team-mate step up the the board.

Issy and her team-mate step up to the board.

    Unlike many stories which start of in all sorts of far-flung worlds, this story starts off in the actual classroom, with these tiny pop-up people dwarfed by us, the students and all the giant furniture. To make it clear that the story takes place in the real world we had the girls pick a place in the classroom that would really show how tiny they are compared to their surroundings, so the girls picked the bookshelf. Continue reading