Clerihan N.S. – A class of proper artists!


Our story-building class at Clerihan went brilliantly. The kids here chose the plot of the amazing animated film ‘Despicable Me’ to look at and work out on the board. What brilliant character, that oddly lovable Gru, and all his ridiculous minions!

Astrid does a short story-board of the plot of 'Despicable Me'.

Astrid does a short story-board of the plot of ‘Despicable Me’.

  Suitably inspired by looking at the plot of this animated film, the kids got to work on their own stories.

Astrid and Aoife help some ambitious world travelling pop-up people.

Astrid and Aoife help some ambitious world travelling pop-up people.

First class flight across the classroom.

On a first class flight across the classroom.

Here I am trying to draw my very own Gru.

Here I am trying to draw my very own Gru.

How far can you travel by rocket?

How far can you travel by rocket? the very least to Egypt, it seems!

…at the very least to Egypt, it seems!

Who knew you could build a prison out of an old cereal box?

Who knew you could build a prison out of an old cereal box?

This pop-up person is ready to face anything that he might encounter.

This pop-up person is ready to face anything that he might encounter.

  Seeing their work made me pretty sure that some of these kids stand a real chance at working at a big film studio some day, or maybe they could work for a brilliant animation studio – or even open their own. Ireland only recently created an Academy Award nominated animated film in Cartoon Saloon’s ‘Secret of Kells’, so why not more?

   This project is all about realizing that there is really a future in creative jobs. Concept artists (the people who design what things in games and movies look like), novelists (people who write [mostly] big books), script writers (the people who write stories for film and TV) are just some of the people who use these skills every day in their life, and probably have a lot of fun doing it too!

  If you’re not convinced these kids have what it takes, here’s proof:

A film based on the videogame 'Minecraft'. Great artwork of some of its characters.

A film based on the video game ‘Minecraft’. Great artwork of some of its characters.

More aliens!

More aliens! Are they always bad guys?

Sure to win a few Oscars.

Sure to win a few Oscars.

Another Minecraft inspired poster.

Another Minecraft inspired poster.

There’s also a chance this kids could be painters or successful artists. Look at their versions of famous paintings:

A version of one of my favourite paintings, 'The Scream', by Edvard Munch.

A version of one of my favourite paintings, ‘The Scream’, by Edvard Munch.

What beautiful version of Van Gogh's 'Starry night'!

What beautiful version of Van Gogh’s ‘Starry night’!

Or who knows, we might have some historians in the class too!

A great class project about Ireland's Norman history.

A great class project about Ireland’s Norman history.

The kids also did one about Ancient Egypt recently!

The kids also did one about Ancient Egypt recently!

Whatever they do in the future though, these kids have already done some great work with their pop-up people. You’ll get to see their very own stories on the Junction Festival website very soon, so be sure to check back.

Don't miss out of the amazing Nuclear Chicken...

Don’t miss out of the amazing Nuclear Chicken…

Or this romantic story (complete with 'love boats').

Or this romantic story (complete with ‘love boats’).

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